Quickly create a PowerPoint Table of Contents slide with PPT Productivity add-in's PowerPoint Agenda Wizard feature. This feature lets you quickly create a PowerPoint Contents page, with slide numbers and hyperlinks. Choose from table of contents PowerPoint template layout options that automatically apply your PowerPoint template theme colors.

PPT Productivity's Agenda Wizard feature lets you quickly create a Table of Contents slide for PowerPoint, with the option to include slide numbers. You can choose to include hyperlinks on your table of contents slides, making it easy to navigate to each section of your PowerPoint presentation.

The PowerPoint Table of Contents slides can be used along with divider slides (aka separator slides or flysheets), or separately. The Table of Contents page option refers to a page only displayed at the front of the document. Divider slides / separator slides appear throughout the document.

To insert Table of Contents page in PowerPoint, simply select PPT Productivity's PowerPoint Agenda Wizard feature. The Agenda Wizard lists the Table of Contents slide options, including page numbers display, contents template layout options, including divider slides, hyperlinks (hyperlinks mean your table of contents links to slides in your presentation by clicking on the contents) and more.

Choose from the PowerPoint Table of Contents templates provided or create your own template and save for easy reuse. Simply select your preferred options in the Agenda Wizard and your Table of Contents PowerPoint slide is ready to use. Once you generate your Table of Contents you can continue to make changes to your PowerPoint presentation - just click the Agenda Wizard Update button to update the Table of Contents automatically with your changes.